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Services  providing computer repairs, sales, support, service & professional solutions in kerry & cork

At Island Computer we provide an efficient repair service that can be deployed on site, in-house at our own workshop or remotely at convenient times. This minimizes downtime and interruption to your business. Our certified Engineers have over 15 years experience and hold the most up to date qualifications in IT. This enables our engineers to trouble shoot and diagnose current software versions. This also prepares us to remedy anything from common IT problems to other more complex system issues.

We offer a diverse range of options for your maintenance needs from:

            Per Incident Solution SAME DAY
               - a fee that is paid per incident which allows the maintenance of your system to adapt with your business.
            Prepaid Support
               - this solution, sold in units of 5 credits, entitles the customer to utilize this service over flexible timescale, ideal for deploying                new hardware or software.
            Full Maintenance
               - a complete tailored solution for your business including remote monitoring of your appliances within your network within an                agreed time frame.
            Back Up Solution
               - a plug and play back up solution that sits on your shelf ready to plug in should the worst happen. This solution is when                downtime is critical.


Island Computer take your IT security needs very seriously.

Island Computer provide a highly qualified and experienced resolution for all of your IT needs throughout Kerry & Cork. We provide a single point of contact assuring you that any support and security issues will be resolved quickly and efficiently.

            Basic security can comprise of the following
            Correct security patches installed for applications
            User passwords changed regulary
            Antivirus & firewall solutions install & configured.

The objective of computer security is twofold

            Protection of information and property from theft, corruption, or natural disaster,
            Allowing the data to remain accessible and productive to its intended users.
          (This is a huge issue for remote users with laptops, or smart phones to access emails)

Our team at Island Computer will determine whether or not someone attempted to gain unautorised access to your system ( hack into your system ).

Island Computer will assist you in preventing unauthorized users (intruders) from accessing any part of your computer system.